I have been involving in debate since 2010. I started with the practises and becoming adjudicators for a tournament at KLIUC Mind 2010. A lot of experience and knowledge. New terms. My first debate tournament is Debat Diraja UTHM 2010. I was the 3rd speaker which is Menteri Pertahanan atau Pembangkang Pertama. I did my best. My team lost all matches. Hahaha... good exposure for newbies. Actually, i was into English Debate but then I had to replace someone from Debat Melayu, so i was like Bidan Terjun. But anyway, i manage to throw shits to opponents. hmmh....I stopped rugby for a while due to political problems in UTeM rugby club which i think i fed up. So I say debate is also a type of sport. Plus my ambition is to be a politician one day to help the Malays so i need to be strong. This is my training.
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