Friday, October 1, 2010

The new blog title

Why i change the title of this blog .. because i demand changes in Malaysia.. i cant find a transparent channel to say to the government the voice of me and the people... i'm fed up with the dull development of Malaysia.. so as the mentality of the people so as the fate of Orang Melayu... The attitude of the Datuk n Tan Sri's who just enjoying their money and give some speeches during election but nothing inspiring... A leader need inspiration.. Pride... PRIDE... There are only people with the title dr. IR.. Prof. but proven stupid in being a leader.. the education system... the protocols to start a business.. why orang Melayu susah nk start business... because the process is time consuming... need to go through processes... I say if sumone wanna start a business, go to the authorities, have a license on the spot on that day on that moment... by paying a reasonable price of having that license... I see people who try to do a simple business... but then penguatkuasa datang... u dun have a license brother? So shut down your tent.. n have a license.. ITU ORANG MELAYU nak cari MAKAN fucker... tau x? wut da fuck man... let them be... let them have the money for living... the penguatkuasa ikut sangat undang2 hinggakan x pikir perasaan manusia biasa... SEDIH SYIAL...

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