Saturday, August 29, 2009


People say i'm gmok.. haha wut da.
ok since the knee was out of order, i cant do my regular fat burning activity.
but i think my bmi still normal..
last time, my umie said, i am gmok..
then the next time, she said i am kurus.
then the nxt time, she said i am gmok.. n kurus n gmok n kurus..
so i think the most frequent is kurus.. so as conclusion,
pls people.. look through the right lense. hahaha


  1. eh, btw, poyo seyh ko.. ron.. ape ron tu? n cube le ko tukar title image tu. bapak menakutkan nye bukak blog ko n tgk gambar tu. hahaha. ey, visit la blog aku gak.

  2. yeay yeay yeay!gemok! finally ppl cant stop saying dat 2 u.gahahahaha.welcome to the club, yaw!:D:D:D
