Sunday, May 2, 2010

Revolution of Dakwah

I wonder why dakwah nowadays are not able to civilise the teenagers. Why? what happen? is there aything wrong in the teaching of Islam? As we all know, Islam is fixed and flexible. Kenapalah tipikial tabligh2 kene pakai jubah and serban bertingkat2... lagi tinggi serban lagi tinggi iman ke... come on i have an idea how dakwah shud be done which is suitable for 21st century.. for me, a simple pendakwah is pendakwah tu pakai shirt biasa smart, sluar slack hitam and kasut smart. Pakai speck hitam pun x ape.. or pakai jeans and t-shirt I luv islam and pakai spec Ray Ban.. x rase mende tu stylo ker... org2 muda nk dekati pun senang.. cube bayangkan kamu berdakwah di Dataran Pahlawan dengan jubah n serban. X rase janggal ke? Alasan yang paling femes, nk ikut sunnah nabi... huh... come on one thing yg orang x perasan. Orang definisikan sunah tu segala perbuatan, percakapan nabi. But they dun realise satu aspek. Cara nabi berfikir. Bukankah tu satu perbuatan. K lah bagi contoh sket cara dakwah revolusi ni.
You pakai smart casual. Spek rayban yang macam diterangkan di atas then u dekat dengan seorang non muslim ni... n you say in a sempoi way. Dun too much hadith. Because org tu mungkin bosan. So we try another approach by using logic and rational. Sikit2 logic dan rasional tuh akan dibawa kepada Islam. Then after some conversation then he agrees to become muslim. Then kat situ gak ajak die mengucap kalimah syahadah. Islam is simple right. X de nk buat ritual ape2. Just recite the syahadah. Then u said,' now u r a muslim'. Salamualaikum brother. Oh. how beautiful is'nt it? as conclusion, ... hmm... for this era, dakwah shud be done like this so the rempit, the mat ganja, the clubbing people would get attracted to islam.

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