Monday, May 31, 2010

Kapok vs Sakura

I bought sakura guitar before this... it sounds bad.. then i bought kapok.. sound baek punyer.. tune tune... n sound layan.. so buy kapok guitar..

Israel attacks on flotilla

shit... the zionist does really crossing the limit... the convoy is a combined operations of muslim countries... they just send wheelchair.. goods... not bombs... to help the gaza people... but this zionist is really shit.. i call everybody for antisemitism .. hitler was right.. holocaust was good..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Quality of today's movie and film industry

I just watched the iron man2.. the story was amazing.. not only the story the graphic was enormous... when Malaysia can reach to that quality of movie? The basic thing is not the quality of graphic. It's the quality of the story told. The movies by Afdlin Shauki were amazing. The storyline is interesting.. i dun want to say the movies, but the malaysian movies are just for laughing purpose.. and i wonder wheter the english or international people can actually understand the jokes in the movie if translated. We look at the chinese old films by stephen chow. The graphics were hideous... but the story internationally recognised and people understand well. Comparing to Malaysian movies? lu pikir la sendiri... so maybe mcm bagus i talk about this.. so i shud give my opinion.. in my opinion, we shud produce historical film.. maybe about Melaka.. the war between Malacca and Portugease.. massive war with thousands of soldiers like lord of the rings... it would be interesting.. another opinion is producing movie about the legendary mokhtar dahari.. or something about futbol.. a boy born in kampung and tadaa... become a football star. Another opinion is superhero movie. Not typical heroes animal-man... i dun know what he shud be called but a hero with white t-shirt.. slack..and nice black shoes.. with ray ban spec.. and dat man has superpowers.. simple and attractive... lastly, i hope industri filem negara kita maju ke hadapan.. huhu end.

Girls Nowadays

hmm.. interesting topic.. how to define girls nowadays? there are types of gurls... the tudung and the non tudung... the tudung divided into two... the tudung labuh and the tudung biasa... the nontudung plak divided into two.. the nontudung yang oklah x sexy sgt.. and the nontudung yg pakai mini skirt, rambut higlight, and tight jeans..

it seems that the man nowadays are getting harder to get girlfriend. The man now thinking with money and car. Women can easily come. Like a magnet. Wut is this... this creates another issue.. materialistic woman... woman and man fight in this issue.. so do morality, attitude, heart do not play important role nowadays? only money and car and wealth... ask a gurl to choose a man with car or a man with no car.. referring to the law of nature.. the man with car wins... so how to solve this? The woman is working hard in beauty. The man is working hard in money.. thats the picture nowadays.. therefore, i think in my opinion, as long as u feel happy and comfortable with the person u choose.. it is undeniable money is mm kinda important .. my good friend told me that his ustaz told him... huhu.. the money shud be put on our feet and we are on the money, step on the dollars.. and we work with the money on our feet.. anway, dun aim to be poor.. aim to be as rich as u can.. u will understand... dun think that poor can bring u to greater iman... there four types of person :

1. rich people with good heart
2. rich people with bad heart
3. poor people with good heart
4. poor people with bad heart..

so be the no one.. end.

The story of a man promoting Skim cepat kaya

huh.. MLM a business with no dignity. Too many kind of systems. Why? Come on if your children ask u, abah keje ape? MLM... oh man... not gentleman.. in this case, we can get money just using sms.. wtf? money comes when there is profit.. there is service.. when you do something ... huh.. mr friend alip and I direct selling biofuel.. palm oil that enhance combustion in engine to complete combustion therefore more mileage and save fuel cost.. this what we call business.. gentle... huh.. not to show off or bangga.. but.. Malays need to open their eyes. I dun wnat one day Malayu merempat di negara sendiri. end.

Sagil Waterfall

My friend and i went to Tangkak then Sagil for business purpose. We climb the stair of hundreds... huh tiring.. then, as we reach the best spot to njoy the best scenery, we felt relief. Take off the clothes, half naked.. only boxer and me.. haha.. then to the water.. the best part is inside there are friendly fishes.. friendly because they eat the dead cells of my feet. Free fish therapy for foot.. huhu... tickling tickling hahahaha.. owh man very nice feeling. Beautiful view from the top. Very nice...out from the busy human civilisation down there. huh... the cold water and fishes.. huh... thnx allah..end.

The story of a gentleman beggar...

Once upon a time, my friend and i were doing direct selling business. Then, suddenly an old man appeared, bang, 'tolong sy, sy nak mintak seringgit. ckap jujur ni.x nak pinjam. nk beli rokok' i look at mi friend, 'camne bro' ...' ak bagi 50 sen, ko bagi 50 sen' okeh.... then, we asked him why cant he work? He said, he cant work due to germ in brain.. hmm.. ok he is an old man.. so giving the seringgit is mm ok.. anway, that man was gentleman enough to appeal in front of strangers to ask for money.. brave person... end.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why she left her HP?

I wonder why she left her hp.... i msg her mother... she said she wanted to study so dun want any distractions... her mother told me that she will be gone for a week.. she will be sleeping in her friend's home... but i just dun get why she had to leave her hp at home? why didnt she tell me that she didnt bring her hp? So that i know i dun have to call for a week... hmm.. i hope she understands... almost 50 missed calls made by me... huh.... but no answers.. instead her sister answer telling me that she didnt bring her hp... i was hoping that she wud tell when she will be coming back.... but she didnt... its ok... maybe she forgot... so anway, lots of perceptions can be made in this matter... so just be quite and see.. =) salam

Direct selling mm much better

We have a better things to do. Not working under sumone but we are the boss... so we do business.. we sell goods... and it is fun.. we can live life and at the same time make money... met more people...

Part time as factory worker

I am on 2 months holidays.. So wanna do some part time job. So my friends and i registered ourselves in a factory that manufacturing wires.... the boss didnt approach us ... the boss didnt understand that workers are the backbone of a company... without workers, the company would not be progressove... so we have to give the motivation.. comfort.. so they become more enthusiastic in work... not a useless investment if spending some money on entertainment. Example. Put music in the factory. After two fucking tired days, we resigned and we shit the boss... haha i hate the boss.. to be continued

The Lubang2 on jalan2 melaka

It's terrible to see holes deep enough to harm motor cyclist... i wonder why there are a piece of steel on the middle of the road... why it is not covered? very uncivilised road... so the authorities shud do something... those holes are dangerous to the motocyclist..... salam

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Car vs Bike

Nape orang sekang sebuk2 nk beli keta? huh.. in my opinion, kereta bnyk buang masa di jalan2 jam dan kene bayar tol. Kenape orang sekarang nak pampered sgt x nk dekat ngan environment. Kalo naek superbike pergh lagu giler.. yelah orang kater risky naek superbike. Dua2 risky. but kene pandai2 la... kalo naek moto superbike jimat mase, jimat space kat jalan raya... ak menyampah la orang bwak kete sorang tp nk conquer satu lane tuh ... owh shit... selfish... kalo naek superbike boleh buat 4 5 lane... but semua orang kat malaysia nk status nk senang nk dok dalam air cond... huh... come on have some adventure.. salam

Revolution of Dakwah

I wonder why dakwah nowadays are not able to civilise the teenagers. Why? what happen? is there aything wrong in the teaching of Islam? As we all know, Islam is fixed and flexible. Kenapalah tipikial tabligh2 kene pakai jubah and serban bertingkat2... lagi tinggi serban lagi tinggi iman ke... come on i have an idea how dakwah shud be done which is suitable for 21st century.. for me, a simple pendakwah is pendakwah tu pakai shirt biasa smart, sluar slack hitam and kasut smart. Pakai speck hitam pun x ape.. or pakai jeans and t-shirt I luv islam and pakai spec Ray Ban.. x rase mende tu stylo ker... org2 muda nk dekati pun senang.. cube bayangkan kamu berdakwah di Dataran Pahlawan dengan jubah n serban. X rase janggal ke? Alasan yang paling femes, nk ikut sunnah nabi... huh... come on one thing yg orang x perasan. Orang definisikan sunah tu segala perbuatan, percakapan nabi. But they dun realise satu aspek. Cara nabi berfikir. Bukankah tu satu perbuatan. K lah bagi contoh sket cara dakwah revolusi ni.
You pakai smart casual. Spek rayban yang macam diterangkan di atas then u dekat dengan seorang non muslim ni... n you say in a sempoi way. Dun too much hadith. Because org tu mungkin bosan. So we try another approach by using logic and rational. Sikit2 logic dan rasional tuh akan dibawa kepada Islam. Then after some conversation then he agrees to become muslim. Then kat situ gak ajak die mengucap kalimah syahadah. Islam is simple right. X de nk buat ritual ape2. Just recite the syahadah. Then u said,' now u r a muslim'. Salamualaikum brother. Oh. how beautiful is'nt it? as conclusion, ... hmm... for this era, dakwah shud be done like this so the rempit, the mat ganja, the clubbing people would get attracted to islam.

Multi Level Marketing

Oh orang Melayu kenapa la masuk mende2 macam ni... x nak ckap a company ape but come on have a real business. Ideas of product, then products, the sell. This MLM is totally not gentleman business.. nak kaya cepat. Orang Melayu bangunlaaaa... grr.. ak bkan ckap ni sbb ak bagus giler... ak x hebat pun... but i just give my point of views...

The first time I met her

It was a historical moment in my life to meet my mm.. we aa;ready knowing each other for about three years by just using technology the SMS and internet. But then, finally we met. I felt quite nervous. But i managed to handle it huhu.. she is beautiful. She is cute. She is not a hypocrite. She being herself. She is not like typical woman . the Gediks, The Ayus... and etc. she is different. to be continued.

Dari Emerald ke Kuala Lumpur

One day, my friends and i went to Kuala Lumpur. The interesting part is we just ride moto cub. I Honda wave 100. Aliff Yamaha Legenda. Izzat Honda EX5. We departed from Melaka at 8.00 pm... we had our prayers and we moved. Distance - almost 140km.. huh.. riding moto cub... anway, it was a great experience. We reached Seremban and stopped at the RnR. Have some drinks. Then, journey continued. The road was dark. The night was cold. The only reference that we have to reach Kuala Lumpur is the sign boards and our instinct. The first thing we want to see is the KLCC Twin Tower. So thats our first target. After a hectic thinking of ways to get to KLCC. Finally, we arrived. It was a wonderful feeling. Then, we rested fo a while by the sideroad like a beggar. Then, Aliff called his friend Nordin to be our tour guide. He is a UniKL student. Studying animation. After a few hours, we finally met Nordin. After meeting, we had some drinks and talking. Then, he brought us to the famous roads of KL. The Jalan Raja Chulan, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Jalan TAR, Jalan Chow Kit and etc. From my observations, these KL people did not sleep huh.. if in Melaka, the roads would be empty. The roads were busy. Congested... ergh.. i love Melaka more. Much more peaceful. To be continued.

Kalo jodoh x kemana...

Semua orang kat dunia ni dah ada jodohnya masing2.. jodoh bukan dari aspek cinta sahaja. Lain2 aspek juga. Contohnya memang jodoh die untuk menjadi seorang engineer. Kalo dari aspek cinta yup.. kerna kat dunia ni memang banyak perempuan cantik.. tp xkan kite nk kahwin ngan sumer.. pergh... so pandai2la cari tanda2 yg die tu jodoh.. and bile dah jodoh.. memang takkan kemana... kalo die pegi ke laki laen...they will not be long.. wut we have to do here is being ourselves and strive for the best. Do the best in everything. Each person has their own story. So continue being ur character in this world. For example, ir u r salmah, be salmah.. dun be jamilah... the key is be yourself. salam.

Why sampah2 everywhere?

One aspect to know whether a nation is civilised or not is by looking at the environment. In Malaysia, huh.. x tau nk cakap ape la. puntung rokok.. air kotak...kertas gula2... botol yang besar gedabak tuh pun nk buang... come on.. a simple thing that we should do, throw rubbishes into the right container.. dustbin.. some civilsed countries do not have dustbins yet their country is clean. One thing to change which is the mind of the citizens. They have to love this country Malaysia. Is'nt it great to see this country clean huh.. just expressing my feeling..

My definition of gentleman

What is gentleman? Very hard to define in words because none would accurately define gentleman. A simple example of gentleman is James Bond. He is strong and elegant.

Here are some characteristics of gentleman :
- there is a gun in his right pocket, and there is a red rose flower in the left pocket
- wise
- alert
- good listener
- good in using the right sentence when communicating
- persevere
- positive
- never hit a woman, a woman shud be respected and well treated.
- usually gentleman use english.
- a fighter
- courteous
- can dance
- all rounder
- punctual
- lie when needed
- relax in facing problems
- believe in Allah
- rational
- natural and being himself.
- strong character

There are more... i'll add later. In Malaysia nowadays, lack of gentleman. For example, if a beautiful woman passing by, he would pheewitt... awek2 awek... huh uncivlised..