This is my dream bike in the future. Fast and smooth on the road and can easily overcome the congestion in Malaysia. Cool.
Friday, November 27, 2009
My dream motocycle
This is my dream bike in the future. Fast and smooth on the road and can easily overcome the congestion in Malaysia. Cool.
The sacrifice

Let me explain a bit on how the cows were sacrifice. First the cows were tied on a special pole n there are some kampung people cooperating each other. Then, very hard to explain but to cuti it short the cows need to be brought down to the floor and the head shud be on the hole for the easiness to cut the throat. So the kampung people around takbir and the slaughtering begins. After the end of the cow's life, therefore, the meat is ready to be cut and divided and delivered. thats all.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
To All Muslims, I would like to wish Happy Aidil Adha. The day where the pilgrimage following their faith to do Hajj. May the pilgrims safe there and safe journey back home.
The New Perodua Alza
Sports - Football,rugby and Health in Malaysia
Salam.. today i would like to to post about the title above. Football is an international game. Some people say it is a beautiful game. It is like dancing with a ball. I wonder why Malaysia still cannot reach the higher level in football. Well, of course, there are factors.
One of the factors is the mentality of Malaysian footballers. Footballers shud not only fast with the feet but aldo good in thinking. Footballers should be educated although not related to football. They have to appreciate knowledge. The usual comment is discipline problems and bla3.. its the mentality. You x discipline pun kalo mentaliti baek, commitment ok.. n have the speed and agility, i say he is a gud footballer. Fitness mcm kuda pun mentaliti out. That fitness is just fitness.So in order for Malaysian football to reach a better stage, mentality.
2nd thing is most of our Datuk and Tan Sri's love to play golf. Lack of leaders and Datuk who are committed to football. We have many Datuks in Malaysia. Why the datuks at least give support by supply jerseys for the players and hire scout team to scout player in the rural areas. There are gud players in rural areas. Just need to change the Juara Kampung mentality je la.
3rd thing the supporters. The supporters can be as crazy as possible to support Malaysia but dont burn the seats please. Be civilised. Compose songs for Malaysian team. But Malaysian team also have to play good also laa.. dun disappoint the supporters who crazily paint their face and etc.
4th thing, the health due to knee problems. Government shud support operations for knee surgery. It happened to me where i injured my knee but the General Hospital did not support for the implant. The implant would be done by the private hospital. Knee is an important part of players. So as elbow and i think all are important. For those who are commited to sports need to be supported for the operations so as maybe the person has a quality of good athlete. I said this because ligament lack of blood vessel. Can be said as no blood vessel. So the chance for it to repair itself is kinda none. The rich datuk shud support these ligaments implant. huh.
5th thing, Malaysian footballers shud be patriotic and enthusiastic in playing. When singging the negaraku, the players shud sing with heart. Respect the country. n play the best that he can.
i think dats all my ideas.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A new knee guard
Just bought a new knee guard size xl.. now it really fits and i can run normally again.. iyeay...
Liverpool 2nd Dilemma
Wut da fac? loss ? to debrecen? this is ..hoho dun know wut say liverpool.. u walk alone out from the champions league.. rafa... ur position is no longer stable.. wait for the judgement day haha rafa benny..
The Niggas
Just heard from the news on TV3, the niggas are causing problems to Malaysia. Sindiket Pertukaran Wang.. Sodomy.. robbery... over time limit staying.. come on nigga... we dun hate you .. but please dun cause problems in Malaysia. This post referring to nigga students. Come here, njoy the scenery and study.. dun cause problems.. okeh..
Girl of my dream.. (tertakluk pada perubahan)
Well, since i am 19 and my frens also so we shud be open about this hoho.. so every boy has girl of their dreams.
One of the criteria is of course it is normal to say that i like beautiful girl. My ustazah said beauty is subjective. Sometimes not beautiful to others but beautiful to you. So depends. For my definition of beauty physically is cute face, white, nice curves, nice voice, medium long hair, not taller than me hoho, beautiful eyes and lips, nice ratios. I think dats all for now.
For the inner beauty, one of the criteria is kind, sweet, intelligent, joyful, not boring, happy, positive, supportive, less showing vinegar face hoho.. funny, can have a nice conversation. Thats all for now.
For how i will treat this woman is huh.. she will be like my princess. I am known as hati gadis. I mmm kinda like to be romantic. I mmm kinda gentlemen.. not dayus to harm a woman. I'll sweetly talk. Sweetly treat her. If i am rich in the future, i will optimise my time, besides my work and responsibilities, i will bring her touring around.. ape lagi ek?
For my umie, wait, i'll try my best to get success. I am optimistic. I will bring my umie to places of her dreams. Make her happy. OK umie.. i love u.
Thats all for now.. =)
One of the criteria is of course it is normal to say that i like beautiful girl. My ustazah said beauty is subjective. Sometimes not beautiful to others but beautiful to you. So depends. For my definition of beauty physically is cute face, white, nice curves, nice voice, medium long hair, not taller than me hoho, beautiful eyes and lips, nice ratios. I think dats all for now.
For the inner beauty, one of the criteria is kind, sweet, intelligent, joyful, not boring, happy, positive, supportive, less showing vinegar face hoho.. funny, can have a nice conversation. Thats all for now.
For how i will treat this woman is huh.. she will be like my princess. I am known as hati gadis. I mmm kinda like to be romantic. I mmm kinda gentlemen.. not dayus to harm a woman. I'll sweetly talk. Sweetly treat her. If i am rich in the future, i will optimise my time, besides my work and responsibilities, i will bring her touring around.. ape lagi ek?
For my umie, wait, i'll try my best to get success. I am optimistic. I will bring my umie to places of her dreams. Make her happy. OK umie.. i love u.
Thats all for now.. =)
Inviting Chin Peng?
Wut da f? why we shud invite that fucking cruel man back. I use the f word because this chin peng was no mercy to the Malays during his violence. Accepting him is totally ridiculous. and what for? can he bring something good to the country. For the war victims, it would be a bad decision to accept him back into. Malaysia don't want a traitor living in this i called land of honor. Malaysia would not accept him. Dun cross the border line of Malaysia. Dun u dare to enter Malaysia oh chin peng.. Thats my opinion. A cut from the newspaper.
''Kami akan buru dia sampai ke lubang cacing"
KUANTAN 24 Nov. - "Umur Chin Peng tidak akan panjang jika dia dibenarkan pulang ke Malaysia. Kami akan buru dia sampai ke lubang cacing."
Demikian amaran Persatuan Bekas Tentera Malaysia (PBTM) cawangan Pekan terhadap pihak yang berhasrat mahu membawa pulang bekas Setiausaha Agung Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) itu ke negara ini.
''Kami akan buru dia sampai ke lubang cacing"
KUANTAN 24 Nov. - "Umur Chin Peng tidak akan panjang jika dia dibenarkan pulang ke Malaysia. Kami akan buru dia sampai ke lubang cacing."
Demikian amaran Persatuan Bekas Tentera Malaysia (PBTM) cawangan Pekan terhadap pihak yang berhasrat mahu membawa pulang bekas Setiausaha Agung Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) itu ke negara ini.
Kelantan vs Negeri Sembilan
Kelantan lost to negeri sembilan by 1-3. Congratulations to Negeri Sembilan for winning da Malaysia cup. But the main thing is here. Why the Kelantan supporters have to burn the seats after the lost or as the sign of dissapointment. This is a very not civilised act by Kelantanese as it shows a very very bad attitude and tarnished the the good image of Malaysia. Not in the purpose to criticise but is this the example showed by a so called Negeri Islam. Totally a bad example. Please be civilised Malaysia. MALULA...
Nik Aziz should quit
There are voices out there asking for this old already man to quit. It is just the time he shud go. Well, nik aziz or known as tok guru need to step down due to his age and some people said his ideas already bad. I am no pro BN or PAS. Both are group of Malays. and I think it is not impossible to combine as one. For now, the ideology of both parties are just not fit to each other. Both BN and PAS have pros and cons. BN has the corruption sometimes and PAS maybe less. But for PAS the ideology is not to the true islamic perception. Like I said, Islam shud be viewed with a wider perception and as i learned in TITAS, islam is fixed and flexible. Islam is not just ibadah. Islam is universal but the PAS perception about Islam is just not showing that Islam is flexible. A typical muslim people who we call budak surau good attitute, polite. But sometimes polite is not the best policy. Sometimes we have to play harsh for something good. Islam during the Khalifah's era and now is just the same. There are differences. Many to explain. Find out by yourself. Islam should be simple. So that our eyes opened 360 degrees.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
SPM 2009
To SPM candidates 2009, all da best and let the knowledge flow onto the paper. With sincerity, insyaallah. Again I said, knowledge is not meant to be forgotten. Find the role og knowlegde in you.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Liverpool dilemma
I dun know wut to say... After the draw with Man City I dun know wut to say... Rafa shud have a better plan. If not, firing him is a possible thing to happen.
The Flood of Ganu And Kelate
Sad story. But anway it is an annual event in Malaysia where the east coast country would face flood phenomenon. As learned in geography, this is the month where the monsoon from north east active. So sorry to hear houses submerged by the water. What we can do is try our best and take it positively. There are marriage being held despite the flood. I hope my friends at Terengganu safe insyaallah.
UPSR 2009
The result for the primaries just came out. So for my old school Sekolah Datuk Tambichik Karim, 15 or 17 students get 5As.. forgot the real figure. I will correct that. Huwa.. kinda good achievement for my old school. I would like to day conratulations to the achievers. Caiyok! Like i said the most important is the knowlegde inside the As. Please dun forget. My definition of excellent student is nerd plus monkey. Monkey means kinda jovial.
The story of Pee Dee vacation
The photos of Pee Dee in my facebook. Just a brief story about the pee dee. PD is a shortname of Port Dickson. hoho everyone knows that.. I went with my frens. We had a BBQ there. Play some beach games. Run here and there. To be continued.
Ocean's Gay community
At the Plaza Hang Tuah, the place called Ocean is the place where the gay community make money. This is .. hoh no comment. But well i think they just follow their instinct. They just love man. There is one day I was riding motocycle. I was irritated by one of the gays.. owh man.. this is no good. So I sprint out from the ocean and blaaa.. i thought it was a myth. There are customers of this gay community. hoh.. maybe this place can be a tourist attraction. hohoho .. end of story.
The Malay Dilemma 2nd wave
While i have some ideas of improving Malaysia to be a better country. The first things is knowledge and mentality of Malaysian.
Mentality of students - wanna get straight As for jobs and occupations... well, the real thing that we have to know is knowledge in the As.. it shows sincerity in learning which will eventually shape what kind of person next.
Mentality of Malaysians- Everywhere we go .. we bring the name of Malaysia. And Malaysia consists of Malay, Indians, and Chinese.. Three races of big civilisations.. Malay with the Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.. Indians with the Chandragupta Maurya and Chinese with the Dynasty of many... three big civilisations.. Like in one malaysia concept introduced by Najib was a good idea.. we can work together as Malaysians but in religion and culture, nope.. we can't say that we are the same. We are different in any matters. Before the coming of chinese and indians, the owner of this country is Malay. Then, the british brought workers from chinese and indians and settled here.. So there are rights for the indians, chinese and Malay.. we cant have the same percent of specialities.. it is not to say about superiority of malay... but Malay have right as the rightful owner of this country.. every race has to respect each other. Respect as the owner and respect as the comers.. the comers cannot fight the Hak Keistimewaan Orang Melayu.. We can leave peacefully like we did before... the 13 may 1969 was a lesson. No one gain. Just satisfaction of killing.. it shows that races have to respect each other.. i heard from my uncle during that time, the chinese says, 'Kami nak sapu orang Melayu'. That of course cause major angriness to the Malays. 'The Malays pulak, ' Lu makan babi, pagi x mandi, n menumpang.' Totally going to be a war. We have to be grateful staying on the ground that can grow crops and veggie. Compare with ethiopia india, totally hard top live.. here indians and chinese can gain wealth and richness. So insyaallah we can work together as Malaysians.
Mentality of Malaysia 2- Orang Melayu x unite. Saling menjatuhkan antara satu sama laen.
Mentality Malaysia 3 - Islam has to be seen in a bigger and wider perspective other than just ibadah. During the glory of Islam, the time of Ibnu Haitham, Avicenna.. i dun know how to explain. But Islam is beautiful and not obsessive.
Mentality Malaysia 4 - Hate english. The government had decide to change back teaching Maths and science in English to Malay. The objective of teaching in English is to gain knowledge as now the knowledge holder is mostly english. In history, the europeans learn Arabs to get knowledges from the Arabs. But then the bad thing is Arabs Muslim betrayed and scholars killed. Books burned. Totally a shame action done by the western civilisations. Then, they write their name as the rightful owner and father of the knowledges that time. Totally a shameful credit. So for this era, we as the lack of knowledge community need to learn science and maths in english in order to get back the knowledge stole by the western. Not to defame our National beloved language Bahasa Malaysia. For the development of the country, so we can have high civiv minded citizens on the street.
Mentality Malaysia 5 - Like to litter on the ground. Bad attitude for a developing country. A single rubbish thrown. A feeling of no responsibility towards our country. This is a simple contribution towards our country. Have a sense of responsibility please Malaysia.
Mentality of students - wanna get straight As for jobs and occupations... well, the real thing that we have to know is knowledge in the As.. it shows sincerity in learning which will eventually shape what kind of person next.
Mentality of Malaysians- Everywhere we go .. we bring the name of Malaysia. And Malaysia consists of Malay, Indians, and Chinese.. Three races of big civilisations.. Malay with the Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.. Indians with the Chandragupta Maurya and Chinese with the Dynasty of many... three big civilisations.. Like in one malaysia concept introduced by Najib was a good idea.. we can work together as Malaysians but in religion and culture, nope.. we can't say that we are the same. We are different in any matters. Before the coming of chinese and indians, the owner of this country is Malay. Then, the british brought workers from chinese and indians and settled here.. So there are rights for the indians, chinese and Malay.. we cant have the same percent of specialities.. it is not to say about superiority of malay... but Malay have right as the rightful owner of this country.. every race has to respect each other. Respect as the owner and respect as the comers.. the comers cannot fight the Hak Keistimewaan Orang Melayu.. We can leave peacefully like we did before... the 13 may 1969 was a lesson. No one gain. Just satisfaction of killing.. it shows that races have to respect each other.. i heard from my uncle during that time, the chinese says, 'Kami nak sapu orang Melayu'. That of course cause major angriness to the Malays. 'The Malays pulak, ' Lu makan babi, pagi x mandi, n menumpang.' Totally going to be a war. We have to be grateful staying on the ground that can grow crops and veggie. Compare with ethiopia india, totally hard top live.. here indians and chinese can gain wealth and richness. So insyaallah we can work together as Malaysians.
Mentality of Malaysia 2- Orang Melayu x unite. Saling menjatuhkan antara satu sama laen.
Mentality Malaysia 3 - Islam has to be seen in a bigger and wider perspective other than just ibadah. During the glory of Islam, the time of Ibnu Haitham, Avicenna.. i dun know how to explain. But Islam is beautiful and not obsessive.
Mentality Malaysia 4 - Hate english. The government had decide to change back teaching Maths and science in English to Malay. The objective of teaching in English is to gain knowledge as now the knowledge holder is mostly english. In history, the europeans learn Arabs to get knowledges from the Arabs. But then the bad thing is Arabs Muslim betrayed and scholars killed. Books burned. Totally a shame action done by the western civilisations. Then, they write their name as the rightful owner and father of the knowledges that time. Totally a shameful credit. So for this era, we as the lack of knowledge community need to learn science and maths in english in order to get back the knowledge stole by the western. Not to defame our National beloved language Bahasa Malaysia. For the development of the country, so we can have high civiv minded citizens on the street.
Mentality Malaysia 5 - Like to litter on the ground. Bad attitude for a developing country. A single rubbish thrown. A feeling of no responsibility towards our country. This is a simple contribution towards our country. Have a sense of responsibility please Malaysia.
MMU vs UTeM for one hour
My fren riding an expensive sexy moto.. then suddenly he BAAnng!!! a wira car, property of a mmu student.. huwaa.. gaduh2.. lu cibai lu lahanat.. lu sial.. boboom kebaboo.. then my other friends come as peacemake.. misunderstanding of signals .. after that hour poof abes.. melayu vs cina.. melayu bayar 100 for the bumper .. itu cina support selebihnya untuk bumper.. but yg melayu pnyer bengkok maa.. handlenyaa.. moto mahal gak aa.. yamaha FZ.. huhu.. so the moral of the story.. drive carefully.. signals may fool u.. read the signal and read the intention of the driver to go to.. sometimes the signal may be wrong.. insyaallah will be safe on the road.. =)
Malaysia Nowadays
Malaysia now looking good .. politically stable.. but at this time, flood ravages ganu and kelate.. it's an annual event in malaysia.. dun know how to prevent it... its the voice of mother nature.. Anway, I love Malaysia..
Jalan2 Around Melaka
At UTeM, many times I go out with my frens exploring melaka.. I got a feeling that melaka one day would be an eye catching place. It will be a beautiful place.. Seeing the progress of melaka development, there is a possibility.. owh man i love my hometown. Anway, i would also like to explore other places one day.. worth living exploring places..
Went to 3 rd appointment with orthopaedic.. the doctor said, u have to undergo physiotherapy for about a month bfore da surgery.. coz dis physio might help me to increase my quadricep muscle strength.. okeh.. doc.... wow.. physiotherapy .. never been there bfore.. may be a gud experience.. hope to be good next few months.. i wanna play rugby again. Football maybe less. Kinda dangerous game to play.. involving knee the most... after this i would love my knee.. muahz..
The Holidays
Yeah.. the semester holidays .. wut to do haa... dear bloggie, long time not writing anything.. so, today is a beautiful day. I woke up and i see the sun .. no not really coz its the monsoon season .. so lots of raining.. rain n rain.. cloudy.. I asked the rain, wut shud i do today? the rain just smile n fall down to the ground.. huh.. ok.. maybe smile.. ngee..=) a day shud start with a smile. hoh.. recently, i applied for tuition teacher at bistari tuition centre.. hoho.. hope for a position there.. i like to teach maths or englishs.. but i prefer maths. The manager sounds convincing to accept me as a tutor there.. can be my side income..
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