Sunday, June 14, 2009

Knee injury and KL trip

This is a story about my first knee injury which involves the ligaments inside it. One day after returning from 5 days KL trip with family. My umie papa pakcik umie besa mak wo lang ayong k.diah k.baya kak long angah kak ayu.. all gathered.. huhu meriah. And lots of delicious feast. My umie cooked the lauk ikan sawah. (catfish) with yellow kuah. and the catfish with dried sambal.. huwaa... sedaaap.. ngee.. eat n eat.. like to eat.. but good things come with a price. I need to exercise later huhu... then watch my niece and nephew playing with each other. hoho quite fun. Then, at one part, I went swimming at the pool provided free for the residents. Swim n swim. Long time not swimming since I left my KYS. huhu still have da touch of swimming. I can do the freestyle and breast stroke. huhu.. it reminds me of my 3000m swim in kys. In KYS, a new rule set by the management suggested by a stupid monkey man which is actually my teacher called le'ang, every students before leaving KYS, need to finish the 3000m swim. hoh i made it in 2 hours 40 mins kot. me not a gud swimmer. Can't hold breath so much. But that night was so tired and not going to the prep and sleep. OK thats about swimming. Then, the next day, I went out with my sis to the KLCC. A big place. Bigger than dataran pahlawan. But its ok. Melaka is still newbies in development. I bought some topman shirts. Quite nice. With blink2. huhu.. then walk n walk for kilometers..huh tiring.. then at the evening went to the Sunway Piramid. Much bigger. I got lost. huhu... it is like getting lost in the real pyramid huhu.. anway, it was my first step on Sunway Piramid. Never been to the curvem the sungei wang, and the times square.. later in the future. Walk n walk.. huh tired. Then the next day, to the Mid Valley, quite ok la size die. Walk n walk.. In any shopping mall, i like to go to nike store. My favorite boot is mercurial vapor. The price is not yet reasonable... so its ok .. wait n wait.. then after tired of walking. My sister and I decided to go back home using the LRT, KTM.... until the Plaza Rakyat or Puduraya.. why have two name? huh.. this thing had confuse a family of chinese.. then, my sister saved them from lost. huhu.. then they got the right place. The puduraya. Then, the bus will departed at 5.30.. and we have to wait about 1 and half hour in KFC.. ate a dinner plate shared with my sister. Then, off we go at 5.30.. slept in the bus and arrived at 7.00.. then the next day.. the knee injury day. I used to play football every evening. n that evening was not my lucky day. My knee collide with someone's knee and my knee bend a little and Pooopp... kraaak.. arrgghh... i cried of pain. Excruciating pain. Pain of the pain. huh.. i rolled and rolled. And the playes which consisted of pakcik. atuk and abang helped me up. 1, 2, 3 .. up.. hihi.. then i walked a little then bought soya bean for a drink and iced my knee. Relieved a bit. Then, my friend khir bring me back home. I went for massage for 3 days which I shud not because my friends said that knee injury no need massage because it will make it worse as it will tear more. The diagnosis probably torn meniscus and ACL. Hurt a lot. Need to wait for maybe 2 months.. maybe.. depends.. need to do some workout to strengthen my knee. but its ok.. an experience.. =) so to all players in the world take care of ur knee.

1 comment:

  1. tari mano bhosara,chutmarina,lora,jat ke bal,tari wife ne fuck karu.
