Sunday, June 28, 2009
Death of Michael Jackson(Mikael)
This newly muslim made his last breath due to cardiac problems. I dun really into his album but he is a legend in music industry although some complications happened. Like Elvis presley bob marley ..

Akon.. na na na.. who i like his songs although his voice if to compare with other singer, he is hell much worse.. but then his voice is gud. I just watch his interview in youtube. Well, his personaltiy is nice friendly, cool, n although he spent his life in jail for 3 years actually it is a combination of 7 months ere 3 months there 2 months anywhere.. n the total is plus minus 3 years.. then when he is freed well look what he is now. The interviewer said u make money more than normal jobs. And one thing he said is to change the mentality for people who had been convicted or negative minded, do what u r gifted to do n dun give up. n he said no to gangsterisme and jail house.. he said not too good. He has moral values. And he proud of who he is .. black.. not aggitated when people talk about black thing. And he is a muslim.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
First time at sawit corner

Huwah.. all the rambutan trees are so generous right now..
red , green.. purple..purple? nah kdin.. no purple rambutan..
in my kampung, all rambutan trees already have fruits..
the only thing to do, is to pick it.. not on the ground.. up on the tree..
it is not like durian where we have to pick da fruits on the ground... my papa said
except durian Siam. hm..
Oh Allah..
Oh Allah please hear my voice... I need you.. the existence of u is undeniable.. please listen to me ya sami'... the only and only one who understand the feeling inside ere.. please Allah, there are billions of voices for u to hear.. and i know u r capable of hearing all and each one of humans voice..
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sallehudin Ayubi
Mahathir's post
I cut this from Mahathir's blog. It seems supporting my blog description. his blog address.
5. Sijil dengan sendirinya tidak akan melayakkan kita untuk apa-apa. Yang melayakkan kita ialah ilmu-ilmu yang sijil berkenaan menyenaraikan telah dikuasai oleh pemegang. Oleh itu jika kita kurangkan ilmu yang diwajibkan supaya kita lulus dengan mudah, catitan dalam sijil tidak punyai makna lagi. Sijil sudah tidak berguna lagi. his blog address.
5. Sijil dengan sendirinya tidak akan melayakkan kita untuk apa-apa. Yang melayakkan kita ialah ilmu-ilmu yang sijil berkenaan menyenaraikan telah dikuasai oleh pemegang. Oleh itu jika kita kurangkan ilmu yang diwajibkan supaya kita lulus dengan mudah, catitan dalam sijil tidak punyai makna lagi. Sijil sudah tidak berguna lagi.
Wawasan 2020
Wawasan 2020 or vision 2020 is a Malaysian idea introduced by the former prime minister of Malaysia Mahathir Bin Mohamad during the tabling of the Sixth Malaysia Plan in 1991. The vision calls for a self-sufficient industrial, Malaysian-centric developed nation, complete with an economy, in 2020 that will be eightfold stronger than the economy of the early 1990s.
Challenges in the vision.
Challenges in the vision.
- Challenge 1: To form a nation that stands as one.
- Challenge 2: To produce a Malaysian community that has freedom, strength, and full of self confidence.
- Challenge 3: To develop a mature democratic community.
- Challenge 4: To form a community that has high morale, ethics and religious strength.
- Challenge 5: To cultivate a community that is matured and tolerant.
- Challenge 6: To form a progressive science community.
- Challenge 7: To cultivate a community rich in values and loving culture.
- Challenge 8: To ensure the formation of a community with a fair economy.
- Challenge 9: To cultivate a prosperous community.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Why i decide to post about shoes? well, I just get an idea. A phylosophy. Because recently, I just watched the House MD. I bought 3 cds from th pirates. Cheap2.. then there is one part which give me the idea. dr. Taub said," I have Huntington disease. I am dying. And i'd do anything i can to live as long as possible." He is actually lying. Dr. Hadley is the one who had Huntingtons.. then the girl ask dr. Taub,"Have u ever been raped?." Dr. Taub said,"No." Then she said," Dont try walking in my shoes. I won't try walking in yours." Dr. Taub speechless. To be continued.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Mission Impossible
Definition of the description

Well, as u can see the description of my blog is life is not about pointer and Islam is not a religion of rituals. Why I said that? This is because I have my own definition of success. Its ok if u dun agree. About the pointer, as we can see every people in Malaysia is targetting the gud pointer. near to the 4.0 of coz. Well, for me, my real target is the knowledge inside the pointer. People may argue about this. Well, if u get less than 2.o, then u r an idiot. Well, for me there are two probabilities. He or she is an idiot or became idiot as there is sumthing in the mind. But I believe everyone is not an idiot. Everyone have their own gifted things. Everyone have their own story. That finally insyaallah lead to success. One thingsis we must continue being the character chosen us in this world. If we cut our life or give up n stop developing to true potential, so the story would not have a gud ending. So its ok. For the Islam, i believe Islam is not a religion of rituals that connect us to the Creator. This quote I got from Mahathir's book titled Islam, Knowledge and other affairs. Islam is a teaching. Why Islam do not have the glory like during the time of Al Biruni, Ibnu Sina, Al Khawarizmi.. these are great people from the past that appreciate knowledge. They did not target for pointer. Their target is knowledge for the benefits of all people. Their theories and foundings are still used till today. Why we can have that mentality in this modern world? The Japan, America, Australia, Russia, Germany... all these are big country. Why Malaysia cant be one of them? We can easily be bullied if they wanted to. If we all students and scholars in Malaysia appreciate knowledge, ikhlas in learning it, not for job, Malaysia would be the centre of scientific research. And we will be respected by these big country. Like wut Mahathir did. The KLIA as one of the best airport in the world. The formula one Sepang circuit which has a grandstand which is unique. The twin towers which become an iconic building for Malaysia. When people say twin tower, owh that is Malaysia. His appreciation of knowledge of not being ignorant. He reads and writes. As a counclusion, life is not about pointer. It is about the appreciation of knowledge and Islam is not a religion of rituals.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The shits of Zap City

Zap City is a shit driving school in Melaka. Located Alor Gajah. In the area of palm oil estate owned by Sime Darby. The management of that school is so shit because the payment is so unreasonable and the date of the classes and tests also unreasonable. They juz want money and money. I can see the ringgit in their eyes. They are so shit. shit of the shit. I dun know where is the right place to complain about this matter. So much unacceptable. So whoever wanna get driving license, dun go to this place because this place is full of shit.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My first break
Well, since I have the mood to tell about this. So.. lets go. The first woman which I once called gfren. I started the relationship with her about 3 years ago. She was cool cute and kinda have chemistry. Then the relationship go on and on.. then 3 years later. A little bit of misunderstanding and a peaceful break occured. Dun know who is the faulty. Juz misunderstanding and she got a new one. And walaa.. my first break.. kinda sad but well, just cool and be gentle. Its ok.
Hussein House
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tun Dr. Mahathir

National hero he is. I like this person. He is my idol. His leadership his thinking and ideas. Marvellous. As well as his speech. This man was born in December 20 1925 in Alor Star. A patriot. More about him, go to wikipedia. huhu.. have good intepretation about sumthing. He no need typed text to speak in front of people. He helped Malays a lot. But Melayu mudah lupa.
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya dipijak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya retak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya teriak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya haprak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya hina
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya sengketa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya derita
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kerdil
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya terpencil
Melayu mudah lupa
Tiada daulat
Tiada maruah
Tiada bebas
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupaSejarah bangsanya yang lenaTanah lahirnya yang merekah berdarahIngatlah Ingatlah IngatlahWahai bangsaku Jangan mudah lupa lagiKerana perjuanganmu belum selesai...
Me with International people
PLKN Ayer Keroh
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Le Vista Metamorphosis

Le Vista Metamorphosis. Defined as generally as change to something walaaaa... huhu.. the night where the things learned in Dinamika class applied. The Oana's class. Learned the etiquette. The suitable clothes. The protocols. Be well mannered. Never shout in a dinner haha.. like dat or never kentut in dinner. huhu.. and this how i dressed in that dinner. Not against the etiquette. Food mm.. okla.. acceptable.. ayam masak merah, briyani and pepedem.. i think that how it is spelled. This picture is with my fren calle Zack. Playin futbol with me at the evening. He is gud scorer. Next fernando torres I guess.. hahaha that girl with chocolate dress is Jannah. Groupmate in english class. Always. haha.. she got an amazing laugh. U shud hear it urself. The pink one is my wife hahaha.. kdin.. he is a kind girl.. and the cutest gurl in da class i guess.. ngee.. but weyh very hard to tackle her hihi.. the one sitting beside me, the orange one, is Mira or Mira Michiko ehek.. he well i think the most gedik gurl in da class.. well anway it is normal for a gurl to be gedik. ngaa.. she is kind too. than the man with that bowtie is fendi. He is shit. haha.. no he is my roommate. Friendly, kind, supportive, crazy hoho.. he is famous of his fur. ngaha.. cut until there. That night was nice with bands of performance and hot condition.. I dun know why the college dun want to equip the hall with air cond. Maybe just a small budget. hoh..
Kolej Yayasan Saad
Football and Ronaldo left Man Utd
haha this just a cheap chest absorbing skill... and the ole voice is from my friend kembang.. haha.. olllaaay... well ronaldo had decide to leave man utd. I think he made a good decision. As i think for a determined and ambitious person like him, he would like to take the next level. A transfer record of stunning 90m pounds make him the most expensive player beating the world record by Zidane transfer to real. Staying long at man utd would not make him a better player. He want some experience of how spanish play football.
Knee injury and KL trip

This is a story about my first knee injury which involves the ligaments inside it. One day after returning from 5 days KL trip with family. My umie papa pakcik umie besa mak wo lang ayong k.diah k.baya kak long angah kak ayu.. all gathered.. huhu meriah. And lots of delicious feast. My umie cooked the lauk ikan sawah. (catfish) with yellow kuah. and the catfish with dried sambal.. huwaa... sedaaap.. ngee.. eat n eat.. like to eat.. but good things come with a price. I need to exercise later huhu... then watch my niece and nephew playing with each other. hoho quite fun. Then, at one part, I went swimming at the pool provided free for the residents. Swim n swim. Long time not swimming since I left my KYS. huhu still have da touch of swimming. I can do the freestyle and breast stroke. huhu.. it reminds me of my 3000m swim in kys. In KYS, a new rule set by the management suggested by a stupid monkey man which is actually my teacher called le'ang, every students before leaving KYS, need to finish the 3000m swim. hoh i made it in 2 hours 40 mins kot. me not a gud swimmer. Can't hold breath so much. But that night was so tired and not going to the prep and sleep. OK thats about swimming. Then, the next day, I went out with my sis to the KLCC. A big place. Bigger than dataran pahlawan. But its ok. Melaka is still newbies in development. I bought some topman shirts. Quite nice. With blink2. huhu.. then walk n walk for kilometers..huh tiring.. then at the evening went to the Sunway Piramid. Much bigger. I got lost. huhu... it is like getting lost in the real pyramid huhu.. anway, it was my first step on Sunway Piramid. Never been to the curvem the sungei wang, and the times square.. later in the future. Walk n walk.. huh tired. Then the next day, to the Mid Valley, quite ok la size die. Walk n walk.. In any shopping mall, i like to go to nike store. My favorite boot is mercurial vapor. The price is not yet reasonable... so its ok .. wait n wait.. then after tired of walking. My sister and I decided to go back home using the LRT, KTM.... until the Plaza Rakyat or Puduraya.. why have two name? huh.. this thing had confuse a family of chinese.. then, my sister saved them from lost. huhu.. then they got the right place. The puduraya. Then, the bus will departed at 5.30.. and we have to wait about 1 and half hour in KFC.. ate a dinner plate shared with my sister. Then, off we go at 5.30.. slept in the bus and arrived at 7.00.. then the next day.. the knee injury day. I used to play football every evening. n that evening was not my lucky day. My knee collide with someone's knee and my knee bend a little and Pooopp... kraaak.. arrgghh... i cried of pain. Excruciating pain. Pain of the pain. huh.. i rolled and rolled. And the playes which consisted of pakcik. atuk and abang helped me up. 1, 2, 3 .. up.. hihi.. then i walked a little then bought soya bean for a drink and iced my knee. Relieved a bit. Then, my friend khir bring me back home. I went for massage for 3 days which I shud not because my friends said that knee injury no need massage because it will make it worse as it will tear more. The diagnosis probably torn meniscus and ACL. Hurt a lot. Need to wait for maybe 2 months.. maybe.. depends.. need to do some workout to strengthen my knee. but its ok.. an experience.. =) so to all players in the world take care of ur knee.
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