Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ikan Bakar Duyung

One of the best ikan bakar in the world. There are others places too. Another one is at umbai. Kat Melaka jugak. Walaweh. Sedap. Harga pun sedap juga. Yang aku makan ni RM105.00. Makanlah selagi boleh makan tapi control lah pemakanan anda.


Samurai Burger


This is the latest burger in mc donald. It tastes good. Got mayonnaise and veggie. But i say it is quite sweet. The sakura carbonated water also good. You should try. There are many macdonalds in Malacca. Ayer keroh, mitc, batu berendam, mbmb, old jusco, two at dataran pahlawan, one in mahkota parade. You can choose. Make sure to control your cholestrol level.

My first post by using my new ipad

I think the new ipad is marvellous in the way that it gives me comfort on my productivity. The new ipad is seems one of the best device. Very hard to see lag and it has the smoothest swiping comparing to other rivals of ipad.

Now, i'm using blogsy and this apps make me easy to blog anywhere anytime. Sharing with others of what is beneficial. I would encourage you to use ipad. Comparing to others i think ipad serves the best. Fun and interesting apps. The new ipad is a good investment.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I am frustrated with Najib

Datuk Seri Najib Razak. the prime minister of Malaysia. I have always been observing his contributions towards the country. I have no idea what is his agenda. More to fishing votes with hypocrisy as I may say. When listening to his speech nothing much we can learn from him. He has a fiery speech and I might say he did well with his intonation. But most likely that I wouldn't listen for the next 2 minutes or search in youtube in order to get inspired with leader's speech. I would rather listen to Adolf Hitler's speech although I do not understand his words. I seems to understand his progress. Hitler with his over fiery speech and his Nazi Army. Patriotism.

I am not against Najib but rather positive criticism would probably help. I'm not siding any part here. I would rather say GovOp. (combination of government and opposition) Because I think a good discussion is rather better than having irrelevant fight among each other. I do not want to highlight on those issues about the tape and many other things. It is rather no progress. I would rather look what is the next progress of our national car Proton or maybe the development of knowledge in Higher Learning Institution. Long life education should be put in the heart of Malaysians with the believe anybody can progress even you do not enter university. Every Malaysians must contribute something in a day to your country. May Allah rewards those who progress. Especially the youngsters.

As a youth here, i'm frustrated with the way government approaching the youngsters. We do not want money of help but help us to make progress and being productive. Form more entrepreneurs in country would be good rather than you give that BR1M. Why would you just scatter the money to us. It is like rather "O'people. I know you are poor and here I am, Datuk Seri Najib bin Abdul Razak, from Barisan Nasional, do not get wrong, Barisan Nasional ok? or National front. Jangan salah tau k k? would like to give you all money for you to buy your stuffs and enjoy yourself" haha. Damn generous. For that kind of money, a simple collection of tax and traffic summons will cover up the charity in 2 days. Cool dude.

I suggest here, teach students to be productive and every student should do business. Any kind of business. Good entrepreneurs should be highly promoted. And the others should continuously improve. So there will be progress. Insyallah, probably one day I would progress something into invention. May Allah guide me into this intention. I also suggest Najib to improve his speech. Go have a speaking class with Obama. I wouldn't rather go to war listening to your speech. Hope this could reach to your improvement instinct.

Heyya Life

A very long time not posting anything here since quite busy with many stuff. Anyway, Alhamdullillah, thanks to Allah for the life full of wonders. There are many things happen in our life. Some are good, some are bad. Sometimes we question why we live. To answer that question it requires a religion. Religion guides your everything. I'm a Muslim ad Islam teaches me to be good and do good things in this word. Try to make any much improvements with our life in many aspects. As a Muslim, we should always improve ourselves day by day in order to have the next day better than the yesterday. yeah yeah.... of course, we are growing everyday and directly proportional to aging. We know that the time cannot be reverse although there are trial of inventing time machine. Would you think it is possible?

Time for me is like a flowing water. But maybe probably we can swim backwards, it would require great energy and I do not know whether human wisdom can think of that. Einstein said as we travel faster, we are tend to slowing down time. Scientists have tested the theory and it is proved to be correct and i think time machine is something that probably could destroy the world. That's from theoretical science perspective. The truth is now the life we are having now we can feel that the time is moving in straight motion, it is how we plot the time with beneficial activities. And believe it or not, our life has been written before the beginning of time. How Great is Allah. Some may argue that we can change this world. Yes with the limited capability of human being. No rules of physics will not happen if not with the permission of Allah. Allah will always allow it to happen but it is something beyond capability of thinking. He Knows everything. He is Omniscience. For that we as human being need to do our best in order to make a positive change in this world.

As a Muslim, we are made compulsory to learning. We must learn in order to develop. That is the rule of Allah has created. Not learning for grades or good marks. Learn sincerely with open heart to receive as many knowledge as possible. We must always continue on learning and do our best in life. I mean the best. The best that we could do. We might can't do something, but you are meant to do it. You just do it and do what we should do till the end of the cliff you stop. Do not hurt yourself for Allah loves you so much. In every second He loves you, that's why you can read now and have nice browsing on the net. You have good food. After a good rest, you gotta work and do something such as learning, reading, cycling, jogging, working and etc. It is not encouraged to be a couch potato at home since it is rather unproductive thing to do.

I think thats all for now. We will continue with next thing.