Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I can't accept stupidity

If you are stupid and you do not put efforts to overcome stupidity, go to that toilet and smell the poo. Learn bebeh learn.

If the girl does not want you?

Its ok bebeh. If you do not want me. Its ok. Go away farrr... For Allah loves me very much. Girls is a complicated mechanism. Understanding them is almost impossible.

Do not let people to say yes and no for you

You are the ultimate manager of yourself. There is nobody can say supreme no to you or supreme yes to you. You are what you are. You are why you are. You have your own identity. So be who you are. The self that Allah had design for you.

Money is not everything, Knowledge is everything.

Yes, I totally agree. With knowledge, the things that we thought impossible is possible. With knowledge, you will do big. The title Prof. or Dr. are just ornaments. What matters is what inside your mind and how you survive with that brain.


If education is not for exam. I believe Malaysia would develop very well. Exam priented will only prepare us to be employee.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Orang Melayu Jangan Lemah

Oh orang Melayu.. janganlah dikau lemah... kalau kamu lemah... kamu dipijak dan terus dipijak... bangkitlah... dan katakan Aku Seorang Melayu... jangan takut pada pandangan Kau Racist!!!... kerna kau seorang Melayu... Oh Orang Melayu janganlah kau gaduh sesama sendiri... kerna kamu akan dipijak oleh seseorang... bersatulah wahai orang Melayu... Bersatulah wahai orang Melayu... Pakailah Baju Melayumu kerna kamu segak memakainya.... Ucapkan Assalamualaikum sesama saudara... kerna kamu baik adabnya...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Free Advertisement On My blog

I am offering you free advertisement in my blog. You just need to send email to ujang_57@yahoo.com... i'll review your ad and i'll post it on my blog... if you want to use my service which is i'll use very nice suitable words to market your products. Words used is vital in order to increase your products marketability...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Near Election

When the election is near, there are many offers in terms of money. huh.. political money... orang kate berikan pancing ikan, bukan ikan...