Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pahlawan Walk

There is a gud place where we can buy something cheap which is the Pahlawan Walk. Just located in front of Dataran Pahlawan Megamall. Cheap shirts. Cool pirate shirts. Opened on Friday Saturday and Sunday.

My Bikey

The ultimate bike. Speed can reach 120km/h. 4 strokes. Cool aerodynamic.

Sporty look.. hahaha.. cakap nak lebat.. this Honda WAVE 100 cc.. transport me to class or to kampung or to lepak. The record of this bike is one summon and one hit to the back of a lady's saga car. Bumper just got a tiny wound.

The Hari Raya at DP

These are the dancers. Cool zapin moves. Energetic. Tremendous.

The dirty boots

These are my dirty boots. Boots are meant to be dirty.
The red one is for the grass field.
The orange one is for futsal.

The Ortho

Be patient. This is where i admitted myself to. To the orthopaedic. From the MRI, i was diagnosed with partial ACL tear. It is not completely tear. My knee still kinda stable to walk and a bit run.

Maybe need to wait for another few months.

Need to do some physio like swimming, jogging. Insyaallah my knee would be ok. So that I can play football, rugby and etc.

UTeM Auto Show

Utem Auto Show. The cars were cool. Innovative. Creative. Mesmerize the people of art.