Saturday, August 29, 2009


People say i'm gmok.. haha wut da.
ok since the knee was out of order, i cant do my regular fat burning activity.
but i think my bmi still normal..
last time, my umie said, i am gmok..
then the next time, she said i am kurus.
then the nxt time, she said i am gmok.. n kurus n gmok n kurus..
so i think the most frequent is kurus.. so as conclusion,
pls people.. look through the right lense. hahaha

A new life has begun

Why i change the description of this blog?
Coz ... i believe this is my destiny. This what i shud face.
I cant control it. I cant be the x factor.
It is destiny. Destiny. Destiny. My work ere is to be optimistic.
To be or not to be is depends on me and depends on Allah.

Butterfly effect

Dear bloggie, i wanna write aout butterfly effects.

It is a movie i just watched last week. A story of a man who can travel through time.

A science fiction film but kinda hit my heart coz it resembles a bit of how i feel.

Nobody believes it. Some people pretend to believe it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Ramadan

The leader of the months. The ramadan. The month where muslims prevent themselves from doing things that can jeopardise their ibadah. The month which can unite muslims as all muslims in the world doing the same thing. The football players like Van Persie, Anelka.. they fast although they have actively in premier league. So, we are given the chance again to enter this month. Thank the Creator. Let me tell my experience in fasting.

Well, for this year, i didnt do any sunnah fasting. The monday and thursday fasting. So the first day of ramadan was tiring. It is like no fitness but i'll get used to it after a few days. to be continued.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The chicken pox

Waa.. i was not vaccinated. So i dun have the vaccines to fight the chicky poxy. This virus i got from a thumbdrive. nah kding.. a friend of mine just cured from the cp. Then, he sat beside me in a math class, then, the virus happily transferred into my body. I think the viruses went through my nose. Then a bump started to form behind my ear. I thought i had a tumor but the doctor said my lymph node expand to the massive size. The immune system is fighting the virus. to be continued.

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Here I am the university i am in. People said it is the first technical university in Malaysia. The environment is good, new building, new people, new new.. I just had a feeling this university has the potential to become the best. I was in an orchestra meeting in the uni and the instructor Hamidi said, we dun have the faculty of music but we have win the interuni orchestra competition two years. two times in a row. and we hope to make a hat trick. I ask the instructor to play drum but then maybe the position is very much filled by sumone so has to play the instrument i used to play when i was form 3 which is the trumpet. Still have a bit of touch playing the trumpet. My lips are suffering when playing trumpet. huh.. tiring. But maybe i will get used to it. Then there i tried to join the rugby but well my knee is not allowing me to play. Need to wait for another 6 months then i can play. I dun know wut happen to my knee. But later, i will do an mri and we'll see whats inside. The orthopaedic said probably the inner ligaments which is the cruciate ligament. So just need to be patient. Back to the UteM. The lectures there are fun. ok. professional. I use motor as my transport there. And gud to have it. Makes life easier.